Thursday, August 16, 2007

Update on lots of stuff

Well we dropped our dog Lacey off at the vet this morning to get fixed. We really feel bad because we are afraid that all the work we've done trying to build her trust will be betrayed. She did go in much better to the vet than when we picked her up at the shelter. She tried herding us a couple of times but then went in without much of a hitch. She even followed the tech in on the leash without a problem. I commented that she is a much better adjusted dog than two weeks ago when we got her.

She has been keeping Craig up pretty much all night barking at heaven knows what. Finally I guess he had enough and spanked her (at 1:30 A.M.) with a rolled up newspaper and she quit barking. It's the first time he has slept in the bed in 10 days. I told him the bible tells us to be slow to anger but if he had gotten angry with her several days ago he would have been getting sleep.

Our party on Saturday was very nice. The weather cooperated and we sat on the back deck and visited. SD let us use their outdoor patio set (thank you) since we don't have one yet and theirs is in the way with all the construction going on at their house.

I have started a new job on a parade of homes home that is a pottery barn look and I am enjoying working on it very much. It is just so hot here now that not much is sirring on the outside. I've advised my customers not to do anything until fall but designs are good for now so plans can be made for when the time is right.

I am going to start a news letter for anyone who wants to be on the list. Please email me your email address and I will send you the newsletter about every three months.

1 comment:

tasaxon said...

Hey mom, I am reading your blogs. There is a lot more information then what you have told me lately. I am looking forward to seeing pictures of Lacey and the houses you are working on. I will talk to you soon :)