Saturday, August 11, 2007

Our Family Continues to Grow

We now have a 110 pound bouncing teenage girl at our house. Yes Husbands daughter has come to live with us. She brought her bags, laptop and various teenage things two days ago and we are very glad to have her with us. Maybe I can hand the cooking duties over to her. She likes to cook.

Our other 'daughter' Lacey is driving us crazy, barking at everything at night. We think she is guarding as Great Pyrenees and Collies do. But it makes for little sleep. Anyone got any ideas to make her quiet down, short of tranquilizers?

I had a great work day yesterday. I accomplished a lot, picked up a new design and scoped out a parade of homes for me to input on and decorate. It's the coolest house. Its a cross between beach and cottage with nice pottery barn colors and very high ceilings. I can't wait to get started on it. I hope to help with the landscaping as this house is very different than what we usually see here. I want visitors to catch the vision of the house.

I talked with my half sister in Houston last night and my heart goes out to her and her mom and dad for the death of her brother. It's been devastating as one might imagine. He was a believer and they have the comfort of knowing that he is in heaven. But each day here without him is hard.

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