Monday, August 6, 2007

I am official

Yesterday I was ordained into the ministry. Don't say miracles can't happen. My mother-in-law came to church for the ceremony and that was nice. Now in our home we have two prophets which is very unusual in any church or time. But husband and I have very different ways of hearing from God. I think he is very in tuned to what God has to say and when I grow up I want to be like husband but I don't think that will happen. We are different and God uses our unique personalities to bring His word to His faithful. I will continue to grow in 'knowledge and truth' and service. I know this is a new concept for many people, even long time Christians but when I was attending another type of church I was always bewildered by the way they would just skip over large areas of the Bible, like it didn't even exist. I often wondered who gave them the right to decide which part of the Bible is truth and which part should be ignored. I always knew there was more than my denomination was teaching me. It just wasn't adding up. So I found that there were many more people who saw the same thing I saw and wanted all of God, not just parts that a human being said they should concentrate on.
Big blessing for me, this journey. I have many more answers now because I have accepted all the information given to me through the guidebook to life, the Bible. And I will continue to grow and help people to develop a relationship with their creator as I have done.

Our new dog, who's name is Lacey is such a joy to us. She is big. Bigger than I had originally wanted but she is great and has adjusted to our family wonderfully. She doesn't eat well, though. I bought some higher quality dog food and I don't thing she likes it. Not sure what I will do about that yet.
Thanks to our friends who have just acquired some new horses. We went horseback riding last night. Not far because it got dark but it was fun.

TA- glad you are on your way home. Call me when you get there. I miss you. Love, Mom

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