Thursday, August 23, 2007

Are you Weather Depressed?

I don't know if it is scientific or not but I can double guarantee that this hot, dry weather is making peoples' personalities change. It's almost a feeling of hopelessness, like things will never get better. Like we are going to dry up and blow away and nothing will ever grow again and we won't ever have water holes or we won't ever be able to stay outside in the middle of the day.

I am a victim of these feelings myself so I know of what I speak. A whole region can be effected by this hopeless feeling. Folks stop spending money, they stop making plans, at least immediate plans and they can get just downright mean. It has been a hard year weather wise around here this year and I really feel that it is effecting peoples attitudes for the negative.
About the only thing that will carry us through this rough patch is to not get wrapped up in our feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. It will rain again. It will be cool again. God has not abandoned us but perhaps He is giving us a wake up call that we should take better care of what He has given us. We can carry that from this experience.

So don't give up hope. Make plans for tomorrow. The whole world is not blowing away, just our little part and just for a little while. Decide what you want to plant this fall and get ready to do it. It will make you feel better.

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