Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I love Okra

Some of you may not know what okra is. It's a slimy long green vegetable that grows on upright plants that make you itch when you cut the okra off the plants. If you don't pick it at the right time it gets tough and you have to throw it away. Okra is what makes gumbo---gumbo.

My neighbor has about 4 rows of okra in his garden and it was the only thing that really made in his garden this year. He doesn't really like it and I don't think he has picked a mess of it since it has started coming on. But he told me I could have as much as I want.

EUREKA! I love okra fried with cornmeal. Today was the first picking that I got a lot. So my freezer is going to be full of okra this year and his generosity will save us lots of okra dollars because okra is very expensive this year. About $2.00 per pound to be exact. We will have okra all through the winter and I may even be able to give some away to other okra loving friends.

Vegetables and food in general has been expensive this year since we have had such drought conditions so anywhere I can find things to put in the freezer, especially just for my labor, well I will take advantage of that.

I'm going to have lunch with my son today and I am happy about that. I haven't seen him in two months because we live on opposite ends of Huntsville and we are actually about 1 1/2 hours apart. Isn't that crazy?

I'm looking forward to work kicking in full force. I love my work and I enjoy all that it brings, including a good paycheck. But I honestly must have the best clients in the world. They make what I do such a joy.

Speaking of that, I've got to go to work.

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