Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Lots of Running Around

Since returning from San Fran I have had a hard time adjusting to being back. I think it was very hard leaving my daughter and son-in-law after visiting with them and my friend in Napa was going through a very difficult time so I have been floundering. I'm getting better, finally.

Last weekend Craig and I went to Arkansas to see my family. Just a quick trip but we are very glad we went. My dad who is 72? went back on the pipeline as an inspector. That it itself is impressive but last year he had a bout with cancer and beat it. So everything he does is like starting a new chapter in his life and he is living it to the fullest. I'm very proud of him and am so glad he is able to all these things. We were there at the restaurant when he and the rest of the pipeliners left with their travel trailers on Sunday morning for the 8 or so hour drive. Then we had our own drive back home.

Nest week we start our extreme makeover through Across The Pond. We start filming and will be filmed throughout the transformation. It should be fun. Channel 31 will then show the makeover a couple of times throughout the year. I hope it will be good exposure.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Two Weeks Gone

I just returned from the San Francisco Bay Area where my daughter and her husband have just moved, and also I incorporated a three day trip to visit my friend Kay in Napa Valley. Two weeks is a long time on one hand and not long on the other. I was ready to see my husband but I was really enjoying my trip out there.

At my daughter's house which by the way is a nice townhouse in Alameda, we worked like mad trying to get as much together before I returned home. They are coming from a much larger home in Oregon and have basically been living in one part of that house as they lived there only for a year. So they were doing some huge purging and we proceeded to organize things that hadn't been organized in a couple of moves. We found photographs in several places and consolidated them in to one large foot locker for them to go through later. This we did with several things. We all thought we could get them moved in in a few days but after organizing and getting rid of yet more things, when I left two weeks later, we still weren't finished. Parts of the place look great, though.

I have jet lag. It is only two hours time difference but I am having quite a time adjusting. It is 9:00 and I have only been up an hour. But yesterday was much worse. I was a zombie until about 4:00 yesterday afternoon. I really have to get back to work.

I saw many things in California that I want to incorporate in to my business and even my life. In the Bay Area they are very serious about recycling. They have three bins to sort your refuse in to. They kind of force you in to recycling because the catch all bin is the same size as the two other recycling bins. Pretty ingenious I would say. I would like to educate people about conservation and recycling or just about being responsible with our resources. That is a passion of mine. It has been since living in Italy, but now it is socially acceptable to be that way. Before people just thought I was cheap.

Time to get back to the routine.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Craig and I have a real true blue garden. We have one cucumber plant, one squash plant, two watermelon plants, three green pepper plants, two rows of corn, tomatoes, beans and peas as well as the newest addition, a sorrento pepper for making salsa. We are trying to grow these blessings in days of high food prices, organically. That is where the aphids come in. My tomatoes have had the worst infestation of aphids I have ever seen.

They are small and very soft-bodied so they are very easy to squish and I have been doing so for a couple of days with the help of an increasing number of beneficial bugs, lady bugs. Some would think squishing aphids would be gross but I find it very therapeutic. Only it is time consuming. One must turn over every leaf and press. I especially like it when I come across their bright yellow eggs and smash all those potential tomato leaf suckers. I have also found some tiny tomato worms and they are green goo also when I finish.

It is amazing how many friends one has when folks find out that you have a garden. 'You have tomatoes?' 'I love squash' and 'Watermelon is my favorite' are some of the comments I have heard. We are willing to share. One cucumber plant can feed many. We have a tradition, Craig and me, that we share our first fruits, like in the Bible. If one shares their first ripening, God blesses the rest. Makes sense to me. So who will the the blessed recipients? I have someone at church for the squash and everyone will get watermelons. (My watermelons have never made so I'm going on faith with that one) Guess what. They will all be organic with horse poo and fish guts as fertilizer. I just love gardening!

Monday, April 14, 2008

A wintery spring day

We can tell it's spring. One day it's 70 degrees and the next it's 48 degrees. Today it is the 48 degree day. But it is better than prematurely sending everything in to bloom and than freezing it all with 26 degree weather like last year. I have a new plant, a viburnum that has the most wonderful smelling blooms one can imagine and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Lilacs are also in bloom but I haven't stopped to smell them, yet. I will, however. Isn't spring great.

We have four more weeks of school till summer break. Man these years are going fast. May 21 I officiate my first wedding ceremony. I thought it was going to be a small affair but it keeps growing and I'm getting a little nervous. I know the preacher is supposed to keep things going but I don't know what I'm doing. I guess we will get through it one way or another.

My daughter finally got off the Coast Guard cutter that has been her home since she has been pregnant. It has been very hard on her and to make things worse, she caught a cold. I really feel for her. But she is home now and her husband can spoil her.

I'm waiting for my computer to download some files to tech support because I'm having trouble getting the program to do something I need for it to do so I am taking up time with my outdated blog here. But it looks like it is about finished so I'll sign off. Bye!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Awsome News

My daughter who is in the Coast Guard is going to have a baby! She and her husband will make great parents. They both love kids and have been the kind of aunt and uncle that every kid dreams about. They have waited a long time for the right time to have children and it has finally come that time. Congratulations to all of us.
Isn't bringing a new life in to the world a miracle? But we take it for granted because every day it happens. For the couple that has the new addition the miracle is very real. The understanding that nothing will ever be the same hangs like a gorilla on a piece of twine. What if I can't do it? What if I screw my kid up? You probably will, but aren't we all a little screwey? I know people who should never have had children and those who would have made great parents who weren't able. But one thing I do know. Children need both a father and a mother. Giving children parents who love and respect each other is THE greatest gift parents can give a child. Fathers should never be underestimated. They are every bit as important as mothers even though our society says they aren't. Dads, thank you for being there for your children.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Been a while

I have been remiss in keeping my blog updated. I have just forgotten to make it a priority. I have had the home show which took up much time (and was a wonderful success) and after that I have had lots of work so I have been trying to stay on top of everything.
The front entrance at the show turned out great. We used grass which was a new component that hadn't been used before and it gave us a backdrop to feature some yard art. The seminar was a blast. My friend helped me put together a powerpoint presentation and I even shocked myself how I gave the presentation without any notes. I just knew what I wanted to point out and it flowed perfectly. A little favor from God I suspect.
On a very personal note, my daughter who is in the Coast Guard is pregnant! She is out on the Pacific ocean somewhere and I am a little concerned about her morning sickness and sea sickness together. Ugh! Her Company Commander doesn't think it is necessary for her to leave the boat at this time. I am also concerned about her work load and being on her feet for 10 hour shifts. She and her husband haven't seen each other since she found out the news. Don't take freedom for granted. Many someones are paying a high price for it.
The drought is broken in our area! Yeah!!! We have had much life giving rain this late winter and it is going to be a good growing year.
I have begun designing for a large landscaping company here in town and I think it will be beneficial for both of us. I have started in the spring rush and it is good to be working so hard.
Our condo hasn't sold yet and our renters are not living up to their contract to pay until it is sold so we have two mortgages. No extras for us for a while, actually since the first of January. Be glad when something happens.
I will try not to be so long in between blogs. Bye now

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A snowy day

It's actually snowing here. A fluke the County Deputy relayed to me when he issued a summons this morning for yet another court date from his ex-wife. She wants back child support from when husband had had surgery and couldn't work for a while. No problem, she deserves the child support but the problem that I have with it is that he continued to pay child support on his daughter for 7 months while she lived with us. If that wouldn't have happened, we could have payed half the arrears with the money she wasn't entitled to at that time. Just another day dealing with some ex's.

So don't become an ex. It's a hard life on everybody. My daughter is coming in with my ex mother-in-law today and we are trying to figure out how she can spend time with all her family. I really hate this situation. It is hard on me, on my ex husband and on her. We are all very friendly in our situation, hence the earlier comment 'dealing with some ex's', but it is just the logistics of the whole thing. I live 1 1/2 hours from her dad. I love the family I have now and God put me with my wonderful husband but I still mourn the demise of my original family. Don't divorce if you can possibly help it. And 9 times out of 10 we can help it.

I am kind of snowed in so I can't get all my work done today. I need to take measurements on a job but the weather is not cooperating for that. So I am cleaning house and hopefully I can go to my friend's house who is helping me with my powerpoint presentation for the Home and Garden Show. I can't waste a day these days.

My son and three of his friends came over for dinner on Sunday night. We had a really good time. I wish they would come more often.

I appreciate my friend who emailed me to say she had read my blog. It inspires me to keep blogging.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What is precious?

Today we heard the news that a friend of mine lost her oldest son to a car accident. She is in shock. How does one plan a funeral for a twenty something year old child? The loss is devastating. It makes you pray for the protection of your own children and leaves you to wonder how you can possibly help at such a tragic time. I still don't have the answer. I do know that as long as we have our loved ones with us we shouldn't be petty about the little things that in the long run don't matter. Just hold on and love them while you have them.

Speaking of loved ones, my daughter is coming on the 14th of February and my son is leaving for the Army in March. He likely will have to go to Iraq and he is proud to serve his country as my daughter already does in the Coast Guard. I can't understand people who put the military down. I don't know if it is ignorance or stupidity. I just know without the line of defense, we wouldn't be the free country we are today. Some of us make great sacrifices to protect our nation. Others don't do anything to protect our nation and whine about those who do. Oh well, those in the military protect everyone's rights.

I guess I am a little down today. The death of my friend's son has taken the wind out of my sails. There are definitely many good things going on in my life. I am making progress with my projects for the Builder's show. I just about have the front entry designed, I have all the material together for my seminar at 12:00 on Saturday at the show, and I have almost all of my stuff together for my private booth. I'm trying to stay on top of everything so I can spend some quality time with my daughter when she visits.

I'm starting my healthy living class tonight and am looking forward to doing it. For four weeks we will be discussing how to be responsible for our own bodies. Your invited!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lots going on

I have been getting lots of work lately, especially for the weather being so cold and rainy and for the press drilling it in to our heads that we are about to be penniless and destitute. Shows what they know. We would stay out of a recession if they would just shut up. They are the ones that are fanning the flames of frenzy. But in this house, all is well.

Anyway I have decided how I want to do my booth for the Homebuilders show. My friend who has a background in graphic design is helping me to tweak it and I am very grateful for that. I found some material at Sir's Fabrics in Fayetteville, Tn. for an awesome price and am going to make a skirted round table 30" round so it won't take up much room. Fortunately I have most of what I need for the booth so I can concentrate on the front entrance.

I presented the 'wedding house' yesterday and after a few minor adjustments everything is great. They have given me the go ahead for the second phase which I will try to finish before the Homebuilders show. So I will be very busy with work, school and the nutrition class and my daughter is coming in for a visit the middle of February Take a breath, Deb.

Lots going on around here but most if it is work related. Won't bore you with it though it is not boring to me. I am extremely grateful to God for taking care of us. We have some challenges ahead of us, like getting the condo sold and now there is a new urgency which I will not get in to now, but I know that God is faithful and He will take care of everything. I don't know how people make it without that assurance. No wonder people act so nuts. If I had to do all this without Him, I would be nuts, too!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm still Here

I haven't fallen off the planet. I've just not been able to get in to my blog account. I'm not sure how I got in this time. I had to reset my password-again- and don't know why I have to do that. So if I'm gone for a while it's not because I've lost interest. I just can't use my blog.
Let's see. It was snowing a few minutes ago. Real snow! We haven't seen that for a long time. Lacey is sitting outside in it. Well, she is a Great Pyrenees.
I just finished the first phase of the wedding house. Now that is news. I've designed certain gardens for strength at particular times of the year as requested by the owners and have added walkways and structures and its looking pretty incredible if I do say so myself. I hope to present it tomorrow if weather permits.
I have been asked to do the front entry at the Homebuilders show this year and that will take lots of time as well as the fact that I will have a booth. So the end of February will will start off my second year in business. I have great expectations and high hopes for this new year. I'm loving what I'm doing and am giving great thought on how to work smarter, not harder.
School has kicked off this past Monday and I am teaching two classes this year. One is God's Generals. one of my favorite classes. Reading that book opens one's eyes to the real power of God. I am also teaching a four week class on Tuesday nights on nutrition and healthy living, prompted by reading a book by Prevention magazine called The Sugar Solution. It's intended for people with prediabetes or diabetes but the book is full of so much good information that it is good for anyone. I don't have any medical problems and I want to keep it that way.
raig and I are on a fast of sorts in which we are not eating meat for 21 days. It's alright, just hard to grab something fast at lunch. It kind of goes in to this class I'm teaching. I have found red beans and rice at Popeyes to be my favorite meatless lunch. It's soooo good.
Speaking of food, I think Craig is going to perish if he doesn't get some food right away. I can hearing clanging pans. Lets see if I can help.