Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Craig and I have a real true blue garden. We have one cucumber plant, one squash plant, two watermelon plants, three green pepper plants, two rows of corn, tomatoes, beans and peas as well as the newest addition, a sorrento pepper for making salsa. We are trying to grow these blessings in days of high food prices, organically. That is where the aphids come in. My tomatoes have had the worst infestation of aphids I have ever seen.

They are small and very soft-bodied so they are very easy to squish and I have been doing so for a couple of days with the help of an increasing number of beneficial bugs, lady bugs. Some would think squishing aphids would be gross but I find it very therapeutic. Only it is time consuming. One must turn over every leaf and press. I especially like it when I come across their bright yellow eggs and smash all those potential tomato leaf suckers. I have also found some tiny tomato worms and they are green goo also when I finish.

It is amazing how many friends one has when folks find out that you have a garden. 'You have tomatoes?' 'I love squash' and 'Watermelon is my favorite' are some of the comments I have heard. We are willing to share. One cucumber plant can feed many. We have a tradition, Craig and me, that we share our first fruits, like in the Bible. If one shares their first ripening, God blesses the rest. Makes sense to me. So who will the the blessed recipients? I have someone at church for the squash and everyone will get watermelons. (My watermelons have never made so I'm going on faith with that one) Guess what. They will all be organic with horse poo and fish guts as fertilizer. I just love gardening!