Monday, December 24, 2007

A Wonderful Party

This past Saturday we hosted the Truesdale party at our house out here in the middle of nowhere. Craig was trying to finish up some projects before our guests arrived and I think he got in to a little more than he bargained for. He was installing some 3" recessed lighting in our dark family room and found that the switches were hooked to several plugs and switches, so the whole thing took much longer than expected. But boy do they look great. He is so excited that he has started installing the same thing on our very under lit office. He also got the subfloor changed in the bathroom, you know that renovation that never ends, and got the new lighting up there, too. Seems like all we've been doing is getting lighting in this house. We've been stumbling around in the dark. Very noticeable when the sun sets before 5:00.

Anyway, back to the party. Our house worked well for 19 people and all the gifts that came with them. We gave Craig's mother a 27" television for Christmas. She literally squealed when she opened it. I couldn't be more thrilled with her response. Everything we did was worth that one thing. She also took me off to the side and thanked me for having the party here as it was getting to be too much for her to do after the car accident a couple of years ago that really damaged her knee. I really enjoyed doing it. In my other life I entertained often and I hope I can get back in to that again.

Some news from the Pacific Ocean. My daughter has her orders for her promotion from Ensign to the next level, I don't know what it is called, but it will be official 19 January. Hopefully she will be at her home in Oregon by the end of the year.

Craig and I plan to have a quiet Christmas this year. My son is going to Arkansas to be with his dad's side of the family this sad time without Kathie. Craig's kids are going to their mothers' side
of the family and boyfriend's and husband's home,too. So my mother in-law is going to come eat roast and mashed potatoes with us. I personally have had enough turkey and ham for the season. If the weather is good, we plan to go hiking up to a waterfall that day. We really don't have enough time to do fun things like that so we hope to take advantage.

Going to get to work. Oh yes, I have signed the biggest contract since I have been doing landscape design and I have to get finished with it by the first of the year. It is a big house that was built specifically for weddings and they want to completely redo the grounds. We brainstormed for a couple of hours when I first met with them and were going to change the traffic flow and all kinds of other exciting things. I can't wait to get started. I have been researching some clever ideas and have a tentative plan in my head.
But now I am working on a complete basement renovation and must get busy.

Everyone have a very blessed Christmas season and joyous new year filled with the love and companionship of our Heavenly Father.

Friday, December 14, 2007


I think I am a little more lucid than the last time I tried to post. I used to go to a page that I saved but now I go round the mulberry tree to find the way in to post. Why do they make it so hard? And why do they make it so you can't ask a question. Their help area is useless when you can't ask the right question.

Anyway, its almost Christmas and we have had 75 degree weather. It feels more like the proper time of the year today, around 50 degrees. We have decided to host Christmas for Craig's side of the family at our house on the 22nd. The bathroom is a mess and I still don't have any plants in the front yard but it is what it is.

Tory Anne has had some adventures on this deployment down the Pacific coast on the Coast Guard Cutter, the Steadfast. She has become the bull Ensign which means she is the head junior officer and she got to do on a helicopter to another ship and even got to pilot it for a little while. She is a licensed pilot. The deployment started out a little rocky but evidently it is getting better. They were supposed to come this way for Christmas this year. It has been several years since they have spent Christmas with our side of the family but that was nixxed when they had to stay out for both Christmas and Thanksgiving and her husband's birthday. Folks, that is life in the military. Don't think that they don't make sacrifices for their country.

The people who are renting our condo have bought a house and are moving this month. That happens all the time except their lease isn't up until June. so I have found t a Realtor and have decided what rooms to paint as well as the type of new carpet to put in. We will be working on it between Christmas and New Year's to get it on the market for the first of the year. Pray that it sells fast.

Craig and I bought our Christmas gifts the other day to each other with the help of each other. He wanted an mp3 player and I didn't know which one he wanted so we went to the store for other things and I had him pick out the one he wanted and bought it on the spot. I was afraid it wouldn't be there if I waited. Then when we rounded the corner I spotted the exact pea coat that I wanted. There was only one and it was in my size so he bought it. They are under the tree but no using until after the holiday.

My son is doing well with his workouts and preparing for the Army. He has turned his body around and has dropped a lot of weight and put on lots of muscle. I'm very proud of him.

Well today is a work day, better get to the job. Oh wait. I have made the trip to the office already in my pajamas and with my coffee!

Monday, December 10, 2007

I still hate this computer stuff

I have been trying for the past 15 minutes to get into my create blogger page. I still don't know how I got here. That is why I haven't written for so long. I have internet on my computer now and I couldn't get in. But I think I am here now and I will return to this entry in about five minutes when I no longer want to throw the computer out the window.

Okay, I have been throwing the ball to the dog for a little while so I am a little calmer. Anyway, I have been to Orlando and got all smart at the pool show and now I am trying to catch up on work and Christmas and the new thing, our renters have bought a house and they want to leave the condo. So now I am scrambling trying to line up a Realtor and getting new carpet lined up and paint and such. Not that I needed any more major projects or anything.

My friend and I have been caught up in a vacuum of less than desirable service as of late. Some places will not take our money at all. Others plead ignorance, and others won't return calls. So if this Realtor chick doesn't return my call tomorrow, I'm going to find another one. Surely somebody wants to make some money out there!

I may still be a little frustrated by the difficulty of getting into my blogger account. This may not be the best time to blog.
Will return soon in a cheerier mood.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I was reading some opinions logged on to websites about various topics and although I often agree with the opinion, especially when it comes to anti-Americanism, I am always dismayed at the way people feel it is okay to generalize people into unflattering categories and call them names like idiot, or to say that one is full of bull shit. ' I can't stand him', is another way of making themselves look as if they don't have enough vocabulary to put forth an opinion in a educated way. What is the difference between one doing an offensive thing and another dissing that person by calling them names. To me they seem all one in the same. Just an opinion of mine.

Today is Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for I don't know where to begin. I am very thankful for my husband and for my children. My son couldn't be with me today because he was being attentive to another family member in need, but he called me and wished me a happy day. My daughter is serving our country in an undisclosed location away from her family but I know where her heart is. I am thankful for my church and my church family. When some members found out I was having a little trouble with enough money for my trip to the trade show in Orlando, they just gave me $60.00 and sowed seed money into my business. I am indeed very grateful.

I am thankful for my awesome friends and for my home that suits our needs so well. Mostly, though, I am grateful that Jesus lives and the Holy Spirit never leaves me or forsakes me. I can always depend on direction that will not steer me wrong. And I am grateful that I live in America and even though sometimes people don't think and say things that could be said in a better way, they can still say them here.
I hope we all count our blessings on this special day.
Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Monday, November 19, 2007


I just saw a program on the History Channel about the first head of NASA, Werner Von Braun. That is a well known name in our area. He and his talented group of scientists settled here in Huntsville and made their mark on the world as well as on this area.

As a designer I have been in many homes and have worked on some houses that his team lived in in the late fifties and early sixties. I knew there was history but I had no idea just how critical the migration of these German scientists was to the future and how much they shaped our community. I wonder why teachers don't teach about these historic events that would make history so real to the students. I feel that there is a huge missed opportunity to spur the interest of students who may become more interested in history or space or other life altering topics associated with this part of our local history. Too bad.

I have been working with husband trying to help him meet a deadline to get a room finished so I have been slacking on my own work. I'm trying to get caught up now before leaving on the trip to Orlando on Saturday.
I'm still having some trouble getting my software to be compatible with my old files and I have a presentation for tomorrow. Why is nothing ever easy?
Got to go.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Catching up

This year has been a financial struggle for me since starting a new business. I had hoped to have more money saved before branching out on my own but when God says go. you go. I figure that I have grossed a little less than half than I made last year but the start up expenses have well eaten into that figure. I have managed to pay my tithes and keep up with my bills but I have had to let many personal needs go as things are tight by the end (or the middle) of the month.
So now I'm trying to catch up with some needs to at least keep enough confidence to go out on calls. Yesterday I got my hair cut and colored after over three months between visits. I need glasses but that will have to wait because I had to buy new software for my landscape program. I am going to the doctor because I have been out of my medication for over a month and as with many small business owners, I don't have insurance now. I am looking in to going to work for a clothing store through Christmas so I can have an opportunity to replenish my wardrobe that has been sadly neglected.
All of this has been a walk in faith but being in obedience to the Lord has its own rewards. I know that He is my source and He will take care of me no matter what the circumstances may look like. I had a word of the Lord last week that He is 'tweaking' me and I am confident that He will do a quick work in me so I can reach the other side. I will learn to be joyful in both good times and hard times because, after all,I am a princess in the kingdom of God.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I have a headache. I received an update on my Pro landscape software and as nothing is ever easy, my old drawings wouldn't show up in the newer version and I had one to change and get back to the customer tomorrow. So I have been on tech support for most of the afternoon. We finally figured out a way to merge the old and new drawings but after making the changes on the drawing, the old plant list wouldn't come up so I had to make the changes by hand. So now you know why I have a headache.

I have decided to make a trip with my sister and niece to Orlando at the end of the month to attend the pool and outdoor living show. I will be gone for eight days which is my hesitation but the things I will learn will be worth the time away. I should be better able to serve my customers, armed with so much more product knowledge

Yesterday was my 3rd wedding anniversary. My husband bought me a journey necklace. You know the one they advertise on t.v. that shows five diamonds that says 'we are on this journey together'. I've always admired the necklace and it means so much that my husband got me one for our anniversary.
He did good.

My daughter has left on her deployment on the Coast Guard Cutter. Even though I don't live near her, I always feel sad for several days after she leaves. I guess because she isn't as accessible and I know she hates being away from home. I'm feeling that way right now.

I'm cold.

OK, enough wining. I'm getting tired of it myself.

My brother is in town for a month for a school at Redstone Arsenal. He will be in and out as he will try to get to where his wife lives in Mississippi so don't know how much time I will get to spend with him, but I'm glad he will get to see his wife.
Got a lot going on but that is the most of it. More later.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A new life 'out here'

Since moving to the country things have been different than living in the middle of town. Before I had a Little Ceaser's Pizza, A Tuesday Morning, A Police Department and my hairdresser and gym all across the street. Now I have a field across the street, a field to the side, a field in the back and to the left a ways off, a neighbor that has shared his okra with me this summer.

There are good points and bad with this arrangement. I have become very interested in Astronomy since being out here. I visit the 'Seven Sisters' regularly and have seen the moon up close as well as the comet. Our friends have us over and we sit outside on their front porch and visit. They also have horses so we have enjoyed walking out the back door and feeding them apples. There are many other advantages to living in the country. I however do miss not having to drive 12 miles to get to anything. A deer was hit just a few yards down the road the other night. My gas bill is astronomical. And I just can't run to get milk when I am out. So mostly I miss the convenience and so much of driving. The rest is great.

My cousin, Aaron and his family, Heather and Cameron has moved to Madison from Michigan this week. I'm going now to help them move into their new home. They will be a welcome addition to the area.

It is getting cold here. We had frost the night before last. So the okra is gone. :(

Monday, October 22, 2007

Unexpected Trip

I just got back from Arkansas where a great portion of my family is and attended the funeral of my former sister-in-law. She was my sister-in-law for over twenty years so she was more like a sister. As usual my ex in-law family welcomed me with open arms. I sat with the family, stayed with the family throughout the day and fortunately was there for my children and ex husband.
My sister-in-law Kathie was a wonderful person. She will be missed terribly by her family and co-workers. There is a big hole in our hearts now.

Now I have to get back on the wagon to get a whole lot of work out in a short period of time. It's hard because I have been having a lot of dreams and not sleeping well so I can hardly get out of bed in the morning. I think I have a sinus infection, also. I've been around too many cats lately.

We are looking forward to rain today. In Arkansas everything was so lush. They have been getting all our rain! Husband got our sidewalk poured. He had to work it until 1:00 in the morning because of the tardiness of the concrete delivery. But it really looks good.

I'm going to get to work now. I feel so overwhelmed that I have to realize that I eat this Elephant one bite at a time.

Monday, October 15, 2007

I'm back

I looked at my latest post and realized that it was in September. I've been very busy! The week before going to Oregon I was closing out several jobs and trying to make sure that my clients were taken care of and then we set up for the Parade of Homes. I left the Parade to go to the airport in Nashville. But we had a wonderful time In Oregon.

The Parade house didn't get decked out as much as I would have liked but it looked good. The house showed great. The builder, Harris Construction, I believe got lots of work off of the house. I worked the last day of the show which was yesterday and I believe I got some good leads for other work. I really like doing open houses like that. I enjoy talking with people very much.

The trip to Oregon was a welcome vacation for both husband and me. We were would up so tight when we got on that airplane. The time went too fast. We went to Mount St. Helens and got some awesome pictures as well as shooting our way through the area. The Sea Lions were on the dock. Evidently the ones that didn't get mates come up to Astoria and hang out for a while. My daughter's house has an incredible view of the bay and she has a forest in her front yard. The house was old but very charming.

Our dog was glad to see us when we drove up five hours later than originally scheduled from our flight. She was filthy from being outside so much so Sunday morning the first thing we did was give her a bath and comb her out. Daughter thankfully vacuumed the house for us before we returned. She has a long haired cat that has been declawed so if anyone wants a cat we have one. I am allergic to cats so it has to find a home soon.

After being in the cold and wet Northwest, we came home to the dusty and warm Southeast again. Lord we need rain. I don't know how any of the plants are making it.

I have lots to do today to include getting ready for another eight week school session in which I am teaching two classes, one I haven't taught before so I had better get busy.

Friday, September 28, 2007

We almost have a walkway

Since we have been in this house we haven't had a front sidewalk. When people come to our house they don't know which door to use and we aren't much better since the garage is full of tools and parts off the boat, as well as the boat itself, and the back door has new sod I don't want anyone to walk on much yet. So getting in to the house has been an adventure. But husband who always does such excellent work has laid out the forms for the new sidewalk and boy does it look great. It should be poured in the next few days. I only half jokingly commented that it will add $10,000.00 value to this house.
This weekend is going to be an organization weekend. I can no longer live not being able to get in the garage, having tools and papers all over the house, and not being able to find important things. This organization will take much stress off both Husband and me. I don't even mind the work because of the great payoff. Our dog is shedding and the house has to be vacuumed every day or every other day and we just don't have time. So Husband and I are going to put a top on the pen so she can't jump out. She would rather be outside anyway. Instantly we cut down on a huge amount of work!
This next week is very busy but I will be finishing up several important projects so I'm excited about getting so much accomplished. It always feels good to get things done. The Parade of Homes starts next weekend so I will be setting up the show house among other projects.
I hope Husband and I can find a little time this evening to go see a movie or go to the Bluegrass festival In Fayetteville.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's Septemberrrr

In a landscaper's life, September is significant. That is when the weather changes and everyone's thoughts turn to spending more time outside. So we all get really busy this time of year. I wish I could personally encourage people to get their landscape designs done in July and August so they could get started on their finished product when the weather turns. Bottom line here- I'm very busy. And I wish I was always this busy. It's fun being all over town and meeting with great people and being creative and filling the coffers after a very dry and hot summer.
I have one job going in particular that is going to be a showcase and they are the finest clients one could have. I wish I could post the design on this site. It's very impressive if I do say so myself. I already have another job referral from this one and I officially present it today at lunch.

Next week is the week before the Parade of Homes and I will be busy excepting deliveries and setting up the house. I'm really looking forward to seeing the whole thing done. I have bought this without that and not having seen this for weeks but still making decisions. I'm sure it will look great. I just want to see it. I have a client of mine who does beautiful black and white photography and he is lending us some for the show house. Thanks Ford!

Husband and I are going to Oregon on the 6th to see my daughter and I'm very excited. We need a vacation in the worst way. We have had a lot of stress on us the past couple of months and I think a decompression time is just what we need. We are talking about going to Mt. Hood and spending some time up there.

The weather should change tomorrow and we hopefully will see some rain and cooler days. You notice I talk a lot about the weather. I live by the weather so it is important in my life. It is so dusty here that all of us are having trouble with our sinuses and I was officially sick for two days so it will be nice to get some clean air.

Got a call from my son and he is quitting his job to take care of his dad's mini ranch until he goes into the service. My ex husband asked me to do a design for the yard for so son can implement it. Good for everyone. I'll get to it when I can. There are plenty of fences to mend or whatever until I get there.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Off to Oregon we go

We bought our tickets to go see my daughter and son-in-law who are in the Coast Guard. We are leaving October 6 and staying the week. Now we have more responsibilities with our crazy dog and a daughter to make sure are taken care of.

The crazy dog got out of her pen yesterday and was standing in the middle of the road looking for which we went when we left . Thankfully our neighbors who are avid animal lovers took notice and took care of her until we returned. She jumped the fence. She's a Great Pyrenees. Who would have thought she could jump like that? Anyway, they told us she was completely traumatized and wouldn't even drink water until we returned. Then we found her at a dead run running toward us with the hook off the barn and a leash dragging behind her. I think she likes her family. We are going to have to start using the shock collar. It is better than getting run over in the road.

Our counter tops and back splash look beautiful. I will finish the grouting on the last stretch today and this project will be complete.

Last Friday my friend and I went to Franklin, Tennessee for a day of shopping. It's just far enough away to feel like you have gone somewhere but close enough to be convenient. We had a great time. I didn't buy anything. I don't know why, Just didn't see anything I couldn't live without but I had a wonderful day.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


We think we are moving forward in our projects around the house and something always comes up. We picked up our countertops and I picked up some Italian tumbled tile for a back splash and when I got it home the color was terrible in the house. I was trying to save time on Saturday but that didn't work out. Back to the box store. We picked out another one and Husband decided we needed a new kitchen sink. But he forgot the Baskets (?) for the sink. So we have that figured out. We have gone from putting in new counter tops to adding a new sink, tile back splash, and faucet , (I'm so thankful for that!) and I believe we will have a very pleasurable space to work in. I'm going to do the tiling since I want to learn. I really must learn how to add pictures to this website.

We have one of the most beautiful workdays imaginable today. It makes the minor setbacks bearable. We also picked up a new shop vac today and wow is that thing pleasant to use. I cleaned up the sawdust likidly split. You'd think we would have every tool and gadget available but there are yet more to buy.

I'm feeling sleepy today and I think I need a quick nap. Maybe I will make better sense after the nap.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What a gorgeous day!

Well, the hot weather has finally broken. We got a little rain here yesterday. Still less than the communities around us, but it really feels like fall now. The air is clear and clean and I have the doors open, airing out the house from a long dry summer.
Yesterday I finished the bed in the new retaining wall and it looks good. I need to learn how to post pics to this email site. I'm trying to finish some work and have to measure a big job in Blossomwood that I'm looking forward to working on.
My seminar went very well at Across The Pond on Saturday. The turn out was better than I could have ever hoped for and all seemed to have left with more knowledge. I hear there were requests for more seminars. I think they are fun and I enjoy doing them.
My daughter and son-in-law has lost their pet to antifreeze poisoning this past week and they are are understandably very upset about losing Spike. My heart goes out to them. The next day Mike broke his right hand. But all this stuff is going to stop. We've prayed and declared and things are going to straighten out for them.
I guess this is just a catch up blog since I haven't entered in a while. Things are going well and except that Husband took his mom to Ohio for a visit, not much has been happening.
Oh, our new counter tops will be installed this weekend and I bought a new faucet since the old one was too low and I couldn't get a pitcher under it. Pictures are soon to follow.
The boat is still in pieces but we are making a little progress. We don't want to start any new projects but we have so many old ones it's taking us a while to get them wrapped up.
Thanks for keeping up with me on my blog. I enjoy being part of your life every once in a while!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My Husband the Preacher

My husband has turned into quite a preacher. He has been preaching at our church often lately and I am astounded at how good he is at it. He truly has the leading and the annointing of the Holy Spirit on him and he speaks the truth with both wisdom and passion. I believe his word is changing lives. When I watch him preach I think 'Jesse DuPlantis or Myles Monroe has nothing on him. He truly is good enough to be on television. He is clear, doesn't back down from the truth and is very entertaining. More people should be exposed to his preaching.

My seminar at Across The Pond is this Saturday and I'm getting excited about it. I have to do some research on taking care of different types of grasses for overwintering and I will do that today. Work has also picked up and I am very thankful about that.

Meghan (Husband's daughter) who just came to live with us is getting her braces off today. Big day for her!

Monday, August 27, 2007

It's getting busy around here

We finally had a little rain here and the temperatures are out of the double digits. The serious heat wave is broken. I'm not say saying that it isn't going to still be warm but this stifling over the top heat is gone for this year.

I'm working on my seminar for Across The Pond scheduled for September 8 and I'm enjoying the research. I'm relearning things I had forgotten and checking on questions I have had but have never taken the time to look up. It will be a good seminar.

Also, on September 22 I will be giving a presentation at church to our Women's group about relationships with men. That is what the women wanted to talk about and I have several of the counseling classes in the school of ministry so I'm putting something together and we will have some discussion time, also. We are not necessarily opening it up to the public, but guests are certainly welcome.

My ex sister-in-law has ovarian cancer and this weekend she did not do well. She arrested and the Doctors (and prayer) brought her back but the hospital called all the family in and told them she probably would not make it through the night. But she did and she is doing much better. She is off the respirator early and is attentive. Its been a hard time for everyone.They used to be my family and I love all of them. They are constantly in my prayers.

I had better get started on this busy week. Things are picking up and I am really enjoying that. It's just the beginning. God really does take care of His children.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

A New Boat

In the Christian world there is as attitude that I call 'Drop a car into my lap syndrome' that some spirit-filled, faith practicing people practice. What that is in my opinion is 'if I pray for a new car (or whatever I want, but a car is a good example) then God will just drop one in my lap. I don't have to do anything except ask.

I understand that God is faithful and no prayer goes unheard, but I think this attitude is way off base. Yes, I have seen God 'drop something into a lap' but only after staying faithful and being in God's will to allow Him to do such a thing. I have an example:

A few weeks ago Husband prayed for us to have more fun in our lives. I got into agreement with that request and we went on with our lives. Husband was at a job with a family where he had been called back from doing previous work. While working, the couple mentioned that they were moving and had this older but in good shape, speedboat. They didn't know what to do with it. Well husband has wanted a boat for a long time and he said he would be glad to take it off their hands. So they signed over the whole thing with skis, vests and the other things that come with a boat for!

Now we are enjoying working on the boat, cleaning the oxidation and shining it up, replacing the carpeting and adding our special touches including mahogany to the boat that fell into our lap.

But lets look at what it took to get this windfall, for a moment. First we had to have a truck to haul the boat. That was another act of obedience that I won't get into now. In another answer to a prayer we have this house with the garage and all this land in which we can store the boat and work on it. Then Husband had to do have done excellent work in order to be called back to that home. And lastly, he had to be working in order to be at the place of opportunity to receive the boat. So look at the lining up that God had to do to perform this miracle. And look at what we had to do to be able to receive this miracle.

My point is, Heaven doesn't move until Earth does. If we want something from God, we have to do something! Just sitting at home with no education, no job, or no opportunity to get yourself blessed is not having Earth move first. So if we want to be blessed with having a car dropped into our lap, or in this case, a boat, then we better be obedient and attentive, as well as working, in order to be blessed.

I'm sure some of you reading this is thinking, duh, right now as I do, but there are people who believe that just because we ask something from God He is like Santa Claus and just hands stuff out as we ask for it. But relationship is a two way street, especially with God. We are here for His good pleasure and He enjoys interacting with us so ask, but don't let it stop there. Listen to His leading in order to get your miracle. And enjoy all the other miracles He performs in order to get you to that ultimate miracle.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Are you Weather Depressed?

I don't know if it is scientific or not but I can double guarantee that this hot, dry weather is making peoples' personalities change. It's almost a feeling of hopelessness, like things will never get better. Like we are going to dry up and blow away and nothing will ever grow again and we won't ever have water holes or we won't ever be able to stay outside in the middle of the day.

I am a victim of these feelings myself so I know of what I speak. A whole region can be effected by this hopeless feeling. Folks stop spending money, they stop making plans, at least immediate plans and they can get just downright mean. It has been a hard year weather wise around here this year and I really feel that it is effecting peoples attitudes for the negative.
About the only thing that will carry us through this rough patch is to not get wrapped up in our feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. It will rain again. It will be cool again. God has not abandoned us but perhaps He is giving us a wake up call that we should take better care of what He has given us. We can carry that from this experience.

So don't give up hope. Make plans for tomorrow. The whole world is not blowing away, just our little part and just for a little while. Decide what you want to plant this fall and get ready to do it. It will make you feel better.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I love Okra

Some of you may not know what okra is. It's a slimy long green vegetable that grows on upright plants that make you itch when you cut the okra off the plants. If you don't pick it at the right time it gets tough and you have to throw it away. Okra is what makes gumbo---gumbo.

My neighbor has about 4 rows of okra in his garden and it was the only thing that really made in his garden this year. He doesn't really like it and I don't think he has picked a mess of it since it has started coming on. But he told me I could have as much as I want.

EUREKA! I love okra fried with cornmeal. Today was the first picking that I got a lot. So my freezer is going to be full of okra this year and his generosity will save us lots of okra dollars because okra is very expensive this year. About $2.00 per pound to be exact. We will have okra all through the winter and I may even be able to give some away to other okra loving friends.

Vegetables and food in general has been expensive this year since we have had such drought conditions so anywhere I can find things to put in the freezer, especially just for my labor, well I will take advantage of that.

I'm going to have lunch with my son today and I am happy about that. I haven't seen him in two months because we live on opposite ends of Huntsville and we are actually about 1 1/2 hours apart. Isn't that crazy?

I'm looking forward to work kicking in full force. I love my work and I enjoy all that it brings, including a good paycheck. But I honestly must have the best clients in the world. They make what I do such a joy.

Speaking of that, I've got to go to work.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Lets talk about weight, I guess

I have put on some weight in the past couple of years. I don't like it---at all. I do well for a few days and I am back to my old eating habits. I eat for the most part in a healthy way. I just eat too much. I have seen some recent pictures of me, which I generally avoid, and the view isn't pretty. I have given up on stylish clothes and that makes me feel worse about myself. Is this ringing any bells with anyone else? Am I the only one who gets into these downward spirals? To add to the problem, its been so hot around here who wants to do anything.

No one can fix this problem but me. But I have to do something. I am miserable and when I start feeling this bad about myself, it starts effecting other parts of my life like my self esteem. So yesterday I cut back significantly on my eating and played around with the total gym to work out a routine. The thing is to make it a lifestyle, not just something I do for a few days. I need all the prayers I can get!

About this heat. And don't forget the drought which is worse than the heat. It's not good for a landscape designers business. I figure when the heat breaks, around the first of September that all of us in the business will be covered up so I am preparing to be working seven days a week for a while. I am trying to get my Parade of Homes house under control so I won't have to deal with that at the same time. Speaking of that, I'm having a ball with that. It's nice to do something you love.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Update on lots of stuff

Well we dropped our dog Lacey off at the vet this morning to get fixed. We really feel bad because we are afraid that all the work we've done trying to build her trust will be betrayed. She did go in much better to the vet than when we picked her up at the shelter. She tried herding us a couple of times but then went in without much of a hitch. She even followed the tech in on the leash without a problem. I commented that she is a much better adjusted dog than two weeks ago when we got her.

She has been keeping Craig up pretty much all night barking at heaven knows what. Finally I guess he had enough and spanked her (at 1:30 A.M.) with a rolled up newspaper and she quit barking. It's the first time he has slept in the bed in 10 days. I told him the bible tells us to be slow to anger but if he had gotten angry with her several days ago he would have been getting sleep.

Our party on Saturday was very nice. The weather cooperated and we sat on the back deck and visited. SD let us use their outdoor patio set (thank you) since we don't have one yet and theirs is in the way with all the construction going on at their house.

I have started a new job on a parade of homes home that is a pottery barn look and I am enjoying working on it very much. It is just so hot here now that not much is sirring on the outside. I've advised my customers not to do anything until fall but designs are good for now so plans can be made for when the time is right.

I am going to start a news letter for anyone who wants to be on the list. Please email me your email address and I will send you the newsletter about every three months.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Our Family Continues to Grow

We now have a 110 pound bouncing teenage girl at our house. Yes Husbands daughter has come to live with us. She brought her bags, laptop and various teenage things two days ago and we are very glad to have her with us. Maybe I can hand the cooking duties over to her. She likes to cook.

Our other 'daughter' Lacey is driving us crazy, barking at everything at night. We think she is guarding as Great Pyrenees and Collies do. But it makes for little sleep. Anyone got any ideas to make her quiet down, short of tranquilizers?

I had a great work day yesterday. I accomplished a lot, picked up a new design and scoped out a parade of homes for me to input on and decorate. It's the coolest house. Its a cross between beach and cottage with nice pottery barn colors and very high ceilings. I can't wait to get started on it. I hope to help with the landscaping as this house is very different than what we usually see here. I want visitors to catch the vision of the house.

I talked with my half sister in Houston last night and my heart goes out to her and her mom and dad for the death of her brother. It's been devastating as one might imagine. He was a believer and they have the comfort of knowing that he is in heaven. But each day here without him is hard.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

What is being a friend?

I have a friend who is going through a hard time right now. Not so that the outside world would know what is going on. From that point of view one would think she has the world by the tail. But I have been where she is right now. Actually at about her age come to think about it. Some of our situations are the same so I can identify with her very closely. She doesn't know where she fits into this world and that brings with it feelings of frustration, anxiety and depression.

What changed for me? I had to make some radical changes in my life. It didn't come over night. I had to grow up. I was 40 years old and spoiled rotten and full of potential that I hadn't allowed to be tapped. Someone gave some good advice. They said 'write down the 5 things that are most important to you. It can be anything from what kind of image do you want people to have of you to what could you do for 8 hours a day, to how would you want your children to remember you if you died prematurely?' These simple questions put my world into perspective. I didn't like who I was when I started asking the hard questions. I wasn't living up to my potential. I didn't like my appearance. I wasn't allowing myself to be stimulated intellectually, I had gotten lazy and my spiritual life was a mess. I had very little relationship with God which I figured out later was the root of my problem. When I got right with God the other parts of my life started straightening out. I asked forgiveness to people I had wronged, namely my ex husband and to a lesser extent, my children. But as the love and acceptance of God became real to me I started to forgive myself for real and imagined wrongdoings. When I offered forgiveness to those around me I was blessed with forgiveness, too.
Soon I was off anti depressants completely. I dropped 10 pounds and started dressing better. I quit worrying about myself and was able to let others into my life much more easily. My priorities changed considerably. My best friend was amazed at the kinder, gentler person I had become.

Needless to say I like myself more now and I don't sweat the small stuff as I used to. I'm not in control of it anyway. It's a daily lesson but each day I give all my experiences over to God. He's much better at these things than I am anyway. It didn't happen overnight but the journey has well been worth it.

My mother died when I was 24 and after that I had a hard time loving wholeheartedly because of the incredibly hurt that resulted from the loss of someone I loved so much. But God has shown me through his amazing love and acceptance that loving people is worth the risk. I now tell people freely and often how much I love them and that is huge for me.

My dear and wonderful friend, and when you hurt, I hurt. You are really okay. You have just lost your way a little, but God can put you on the path to peace and joy just as He did for me. I love you my friend.

Monday, August 6, 2007

I am official

Yesterday I was ordained into the ministry. Don't say miracles can't happen. My mother-in-law came to church for the ceremony and that was nice. Now in our home we have two prophets which is very unusual in any church or time. But husband and I have very different ways of hearing from God. I think he is very in tuned to what God has to say and when I grow up I want to be like husband but I don't think that will happen. We are different and God uses our unique personalities to bring His word to His faithful. I will continue to grow in 'knowledge and truth' and service. I know this is a new concept for many people, even long time Christians but when I was attending another type of church I was always bewildered by the way they would just skip over large areas of the Bible, like it didn't even exist. I often wondered who gave them the right to decide which part of the Bible is truth and which part should be ignored. I always knew there was more than my denomination was teaching me. It just wasn't adding up. So I found that there were many more people who saw the same thing I saw and wanted all of God, not just parts that a human being said they should concentrate on.
Big blessing for me, this journey. I have many more answers now because I have accepted all the information given to me through the guidebook to life, the Bible. And I will continue to grow and help people to develop a relationship with their creator as I have done.

Our new dog, who's name is Lacey is such a joy to us. She is big. Bigger than I had originally wanted but she is great and has adjusted to our family wonderfully. She doesn't eat well, though. I bought some higher quality dog food and I don't thing she likes it. Not sure what I will do about that yet.
Thanks to our friends who have just acquired some new horses. We went horseback riding last night. Not far because it got dark but it was fun.

TA- glad you are on your way home. Call me when you get there. I miss you. Love, Mom

Thursday, August 2, 2007

New Addition

Husband and I are proud parents to a 58 pound baby girl and her name is Lacey. The stork left her at the Fayetteville animal shelter. She is about 5 years old and is a Great Pyreenes and Collie mix. I believe she was well treated at her other home but for whatever reason was left in the drop pen. She had been there for 3 weeks and her grace period was about expired so we are happy to have such a sweet, good natured dog who evidently has never been inside before judging by her fear of doors. She has adjusted well in 24 hours and has found her favorite spot and does her business outside. We just have to figure out how to keep her in the yard. But she loves to be loved.

That is our biggest news but we finally have the kitchen painted, cleaned (that took as long as the cleaning, with all that sheetrock dust) and every inch of the three surrounding rooms have been cleaned from all that dust. Now I have to get the lesser impacted back rooms. We will soon be putting in new countertops and a tile backsplash (thanks SD) and I want a few new accessories and a little more task lighting and new cabinet pulls and it really will look updated and nice. It's already 100% better.
I just remembered, I think I am missing a seminar on shower heads so have to go.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


This next Sunday I will be ordained as a Prophet in the church with the rights and privileges
(and responsibilities) as a minister. I am awed about this. I never set out to be ordained. I was only a willing vessel as the Bible asks us to be. But the Apostle of our church, and yes he is an Apostle just like Paul or Timothy who is called by God and empowered to recognize the callings on people's lives, recognized my calling even when I didn't have a clue. So for three years I have been a 'prophet in training' and have finished the School of Ministry and now teach in the school which is a fancy way of saying I'm learning even more.

I have always loved God. Even when I was messed up and wasn't living for God I still loved Him. It's kind of like cheating on your husband. You are still bound to him but doing the wrong things. But the love of God drew me back to and I will never leave again. My home is where my heart is, and my heart is with God.

He never ceases to amaze me. The way He works things out is nothing short of miraculous. Last year I needed a new truck. I wrote down exactly what I wanted and the day before I was to return my leased car, there it was. The year, model with the extras and the exact price I wanted to pay. I left my car at the Volvo dealership and went to the bank and signed for my truck. That is only one of many examples of the miraculous way He has worked in my life.
Being sold out to God isn't always the easiest road but anything worth having is never the easy way. Whatever comes my way, God and I are going through it together. I don't want to draw one breath without Him

Saturday, July 28, 2007

July in the South

Yep, it's hot here. And humid. You know everyone from everywhere talks about the humidity in the south, and they are right. It can make things miserable. To those who work outside for a living, that is.

But most of the time we are inside and when we go into a restaurant its so cold we have to take a jacket inside. That is not summer. That is just wrong. And the pick for worst offender is---Beauregards in Huntsville. As much as I like their nachos I'm going to have to boycott the place. I have it on good authority that they keep the place so cold so that the turnover will be faster. I personally think any establishment should be a little more concerned with the comfort of their customers. That is if they want to keep those customers. So I will find a place that I can actually sit in for a half hour and enjoy my dinner.

Husband is mudding walls in the kitchen and as soon as they dry I will sand them. This mess has to get cleaned up. We can't get around in the kitchen which means we can hardly get in the back door and sheetrock dust is everywhere, even though we have plastic over the doors. Another obstacle to getting around. Whatever it takes, it's getting finished today.

Thanks to my friend who gave me the cucumbers and tomatoes yesterday. I made the recipe you gave me and we will enjoy it tomorrow. I made two batches. One for us and the other for the dinner at church tomorrow.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Update on the house

Husband and I are making progress. We have the nicest retaining wall outside that we built between the hours of 7:00 and 9:00 at night. I have the dust ruffle made for the bed and Hubby is mudding the walls in the kitchen so I can get them sanded and painted. We keep saying no more big projects but neither of us like to see things undone. Hubby's oldest daughter and her husband came over on Saturday and we really loved seeing them. Since we have been up here in Tennessee we have been seeing so much more family and we are loving that. His youngest daughter visited with us yesterday. We really enjoy having her.

I had a bad dream last night.I dreamed my brother was a teenager and he came up missing. He was just gone. The rest of the dream was the whole family trying to find him and we never did. It was upsetting. When I awakened, I prayed for his safety and blessed him.

I have been hearing from my sisters and I sure like that. My sister is getting old. It's her 30 year high school reunion.

Let me help!

I'm pretty good at what I do and I do lots of things when it comes to design. I can organize spaces, pick colors, remove walls and replace them with interesting architectural features. I can pick plants that meet multiple needs and look great. I can tell you what kind of grass is best for your lighting situation. And to a point I can tell you how much it will cost. I just have to find a way to let people know how I can help them.
The best part of my job is giving people what they want in a way that gives them more than they asked for. I love my job. I really like to work because when one does what they love it doesn't seem like work. I know I could benefit both individual clients and installers and builders, as they benefit what I do. I just haven't figured out how to show them how much I can help them. That is the frustration of my work. I have no doubt that soon I will have more work than I can handle but now I see installers (one in particular) who is completely overwhelmed and I know I can help make his load more bearable but he is too busy to see me even though I am certain he wants to meet.
Surrounding oneself with competent people is one major key to building a successful business. I am always looking for subcontractors with the same work ethic as I have. One day in the near future some of these very people will see the benefit of working with me as many have before. Working with good people makes work a joy.and I plan on being exceedingly blessed in that area.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Lets get lost in the Alabama countryside

I was trying to reach a new client in the Limestone area this morning and used mapquest to figure out a shorter back way. Well I needed Mooresville Road and by looking at the map it looked quite complicated. I soon found out that it was. The first street that I was to take had the same name but it was about three streets before the one I was supposed to take. Then I got to a stop light that allowed only one lane of traffic to pass under a railroad, of course with no signs. Then after missing the turn off for Mooresville because it was a rinky dink road I finally found Mooresville. About 9 miles later it quit, jogged, after a while I found that it jogged again. Finally with the help of a policeman I found my way. What a mess. But I know the Alabama countryside much better than before.
My display board from Across the Pond created interest for this client. I was very excited that my hard work paid off in the form of a new client. She wants a designer like on Designer's Challenge on HGTV. I'm her woman!
Our house looks like a calamity of unfinished projects. We have a small retaining wall with the blocks sitting out there until we get the sand base. I still have the dust ruffle on the dining room table. I have to put the polyurethane on the crown molding. The kitchen is a disaster. And I'm blogging. Better do something productive. The day is getting away from me.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Lazy Sunday?

Here it is Sunday afternoon and I'm dressed to start sanding walls. My husband is on a tractor spreading soil for new planting beds and I have received and returned a call for a landscape design. This after attending church, hitting Home Depot and grabbing lunch with church friends. ( That part was nice) I remember something about Sunday in the Bible as being a day of rest but somehow we have abused that.

We will be starting our School of Ministry classes under our own accredation here in about three weeks. Time to hit the books again. But what a great school we have. Attending, graduating and now teaching in the school has changed my life, very much for the better. We have a brand new website but I don't have the address for those of you who would like to get smart like me.

I received feedback from my last blog. Some are reading it. Thanks 10girl and my lil sis.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Running around

Today was a day that I grabbed my friend and just took care of 'stuff'. I got alot more accomplished with her with me. It wasn't so lonely. I picked up my display boards from Frame World and they really did look great. I finally figured out how to make them look good. I dropped one off at Across The Pond where I will be doing a seminar on September 8, and we also picked up a light fixture for the kitchen.
Speaking of the kitchen. I've decided to tackle a face lift renovation and I will take before pictures to post. I think I am the only one wizzed about the project. I must admit I am a little intimidated by the project as husband will be busy with other things and I will be much on my own. But its butt ugly and I am having trouble living with it so tomorrow I'm digging in. I priced new countertops and they are about twice as much as my countertops from 4 years ago. But I found a really great one and I hope that works out.
I have this idea for a magazine article rattling around in my head and I will post it here before I submit it to any magazines for input. More on that later.
I sent this link out to several friends but haven't got any comments so I don't know if anyone is reading it. Please let me know. I'm feeling very neglected here.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Today is a New Day

You know when you know Jesus Christ intimately (like everything you do involves Him) life is much different than when you are out there on your own. I wake up every day and I look at the possibilities that have been given to me. I have a whole day spread out in front of me. The question I used to ask before giving myself over to God was "what can you do for me today, Lord?" but these days I ask " what can I do for you today, Lord?" With Him all things are truly possible.

I have a husband who kisses me every morning and hugs me and blesses me. Every day! A blessing is very important. In the Old Testament a son would scheme to get his father's blessing. So when I bless you, my friends I'm not just wasting oxygen. Something will happen when we bless each other. And when a husband and wife get in agreement on any subject, that is the greatest power of all. So I feel truly "blessed" to have a husband who understands the importance of blessing me. I am truly blessed.

We have a new house up here in Tennessee. (Up from Alabama, that is) and we have new piles of beautiful topsoil around our new house to spread for planting beds. Wait until you see the beautiful Crape Myrtles and Viburnums I will soon have.

The inside of our house is coming along,too. We have wallpaper off two complete rooms and spots in other rooms. We have skim coated the walls and painted and even put some drapery. We are enjoying our new home.

I have been working with a wonderful client who is allowing me to help her with both the inside and outside of her home. She honored me he other day with a thank you card and a gift certificate to a place I like to eat. That really meant a lot to me so I wanted to mention it here. Thank you, my friend.

If you came to this blog from my website, I want you to know that the design was first by my brother who learned on my webpage and then edited by Stacy DeSmet of the advertising company, Synectics. I strongly recommend her to anyone who needs help with advertising. If you want more info on her, email me and I will pass it along.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I hate working online

I think it may be my fault but every time I start a new account or do anything on line I end up in a big mess. Just trying to access the blogger account has been a big hassle. It may be because I don't know what the jargon means. Anyway, I get so frustrated I could throw the computer through a window, you know like the commercial about the lady who doesn't like stains and throws her washer through the roof and it lands on the road. Yeah, like that.
But I have gotten a little smarter. I told my computer to remember the information on this computer. Yep, I'm a smart one, I am.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Well here I am- blogging. But starting my own business has pushed me into many things I have never done before and that is a good thing. I certainly have become more computer savvy. My poor friends think ' you mean she was more illiterate than now?' Yes, but just watch me grow.

I wanted to start a blog for two reasons, the first so that potential clients can get to know me better. I feel that design is a very personal thing and the designer and client should match. I have recommended other designers in the past because I didn't think I could serve that client as well as they deserve. But getting to know me a little should help that process go more smoothly.
My second reason is to stay in better touch with my family who is spread all over the country. My daughter is on the Pacific coast somewhere and I don't always have time to go into detail the way I would like so we can connect this way. Isn't technology great?

Anyway here I am. I look forward to wonderful insights from me that will change the face of the universe. Or at least brighten your day