Monday, December 24, 2007

A Wonderful Party

This past Saturday we hosted the Truesdale party at our house out here in the middle of nowhere. Craig was trying to finish up some projects before our guests arrived and I think he got in to a little more than he bargained for. He was installing some 3" recessed lighting in our dark family room and found that the switches were hooked to several plugs and switches, so the whole thing took much longer than expected. But boy do they look great. He is so excited that he has started installing the same thing on our very under lit office. He also got the subfloor changed in the bathroom, you know that renovation that never ends, and got the new lighting up there, too. Seems like all we've been doing is getting lighting in this house. We've been stumbling around in the dark. Very noticeable when the sun sets before 5:00.

Anyway, back to the party. Our house worked well for 19 people and all the gifts that came with them. We gave Craig's mother a 27" television for Christmas. She literally squealed when she opened it. I couldn't be more thrilled with her response. Everything we did was worth that one thing. She also took me off to the side and thanked me for having the party here as it was getting to be too much for her to do after the car accident a couple of years ago that really damaged her knee. I really enjoyed doing it. In my other life I entertained often and I hope I can get back in to that again.

Some news from the Pacific Ocean. My daughter has her orders for her promotion from Ensign to the next level, I don't know what it is called, but it will be official 19 January. Hopefully she will be at her home in Oregon by the end of the year.

Craig and I plan to have a quiet Christmas this year. My son is going to Arkansas to be with his dad's side of the family this sad time without Kathie. Craig's kids are going to their mothers' side
of the family and boyfriend's and husband's home,too. So my mother in-law is going to come eat roast and mashed potatoes with us. I personally have had enough turkey and ham for the season. If the weather is good, we plan to go hiking up to a waterfall that day. We really don't have enough time to do fun things like that so we hope to take advantage.

Going to get to work. Oh yes, I have signed the biggest contract since I have been doing landscape design and I have to get finished with it by the first of the year. It is a big house that was built specifically for weddings and they want to completely redo the grounds. We brainstormed for a couple of hours when I first met with them and were going to change the traffic flow and all kinds of other exciting things. I can't wait to get started. I have been researching some clever ideas and have a tentative plan in my head.
But now I am working on a complete basement renovation and must get busy.

Everyone have a very blessed Christmas season and joyous new year filled with the love and companionship of our Heavenly Father.

Friday, December 14, 2007


I think I am a little more lucid than the last time I tried to post. I used to go to a page that I saved but now I go round the mulberry tree to find the way in to post. Why do they make it so hard? And why do they make it so you can't ask a question. Their help area is useless when you can't ask the right question.

Anyway, its almost Christmas and we have had 75 degree weather. It feels more like the proper time of the year today, around 50 degrees. We have decided to host Christmas for Craig's side of the family at our house on the 22nd. The bathroom is a mess and I still don't have any plants in the front yard but it is what it is.

Tory Anne has had some adventures on this deployment down the Pacific coast on the Coast Guard Cutter, the Steadfast. She has become the bull Ensign which means she is the head junior officer and she got to do on a helicopter to another ship and even got to pilot it for a little while. She is a licensed pilot. The deployment started out a little rocky but evidently it is getting better. They were supposed to come this way for Christmas this year. It has been several years since they have spent Christmas with our side of the family but that was nixxed when they had to stay out for both Christmas and Thanksgiving and her husband's birthday. Folks, that is life in the military. Don't think that they don't make sacrifices for their country.

The people who are renting our condo have bought a house and are moving this month. That happens all the time except their lease isn't up until June. so I have found t a Realtor and have decided what rooms to paint as well as the type of new carpet to put in. We will be working on it between Christmas and New Year's to get it on the market for the first of the year. Pray that it sells fast.

Craig and I bought our Christmas gifts the other day to each other with the help of each other. He wanted an mp3 player and I didn't know which one he wanted so we went to the store for other things and I had him pick out the one he wanted and bought it on the spot. I was afraid it wouldn't be there if I waited. Then when we rounded the corner I spotted the exact pea coat that I wanted. There was only one and it was in my size so he bought it. They are under the tree but no using until after the holiday.

My son is doing well with his workouts and preparing for the Army. He has turned his body around and has dropped a lot of weight and put on lots of muscle. I'm very proud of him.

Well today is a work day, better get to the job. Oh wait. I have made the trip to the office already in my pajamas and with my coffee!

Monday, December 10, 2007

I still hate this computer stuff

I have been trying for the past 15 minutes to get into my create blogger page. I still don't know how I got here. That is why I haven't written for so long. I have internet on my computer now and I couldn't get in. But I think I am here now and I will return to this entry in about five minutes when I no longer want to throw the computer out the window.

Okay, I have been throwing the ball to the dog for a little while so I am a little calmer. Anyway, I have been to Orlando and got all smart at the pool show and now I am trying to catch up on work and Christmas and the new thing, our renters have bought a house and they want to leave the condo. So now I am scrambling trying to line up a Realtor and getting new carpet lined up and paint and such. Not that I needed any more major projects or anything.

My friend and I have been caught up in a vacuum of less than desirable service as of late. Some places will not take our money at all. Others plead ignorance, and others won't return calls. So if this Realtor chick doesn't return my call tomorrow, I'm going to find another one. Surely somebody wants to make some money out there!

I may still be a little frustrated by the difficulty of getting into my blogger account. This may not be the best time to blog.
Will return soon in a cheerier mood.