Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What a gorgeous day!

Well, the hot weather has finally broken. We got a little rain here yesterday. Still less than the communities around us, but it really feels like fall now. The air is clear and clean and I have the doors open, airing out the house from a long dry summer.
Yesterday I finished the bed in the new retaining wall and it looks good. I need to learn how to post pics to this email site. I'm trying to finish some work and have to measure a big job in Blossomwood that I'm looking forward to working on.
My seminar went very well at Across The Pond on Saturday. The turn out was better than I could have ever hoped for and all seemed to have left with more knowledge. I hear there were requests for more seminars. I think they are fun and I enjoy doing them.
My daughter and son-in-law has lost their pet to antifreeze poisoning this past week and they are are understandably very upset about losing Spike. My heart goes out to them. The next day Mike broke his right hand. But all this stuff is going to stop. We've prayed and declared and things are going to straighten out for them.
I guess this is just a catch up blog since I haven't entered in a while. Things are going well and except that Husband took his mom to Ohio for a visit, not much has been happening.
Oh, our new counter tops will be installed this weekend and I bought a new faucet since the old one was too low and I couldn't get a pitcher under it. Pictures are soon to follow.
The boat is still in pieces but we are making a little progress. We don't want to start any new projects but we have so many old ones it's taking us a while to get them wrapped up.
Thanks for keeping up with me on my blog. I enjoy being part of your life every once in a while!

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