Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's Septemberrrr

In a landscaper's life, September is significant. That is when the weather changes and everyone's thoughts turn to spending more time outside. So we all get really busy this time of year. I wish I could personally encourage people to get their landscape designs done in July and August so they could get started on their finished product when the weather turns. Bottom line here- I'm very busy. And I wish I was always this busy. It's fun being all over town and meeting with great people and being creative and filling the coffers after a very dry and hot summer.
I have one job going in particular that is going to be a showcase and they are the finest clients one could have. I wish I could post the design on this site. It's very impressive if I do say so myself. I already have another job referral from this one and I officially present it today at lunch.

Next week is the week before the Parade of Homes and I will be busy excepting deliveries and setting up the house. I'm really looking forward to seeing the whole thing done. I have bought this without that and not having seen this for weeks but still making decisions. I'm sure it will look great. I just want to see it. I have a client of mine who does beautiful black and white photography and he is lending us some for the show house. Thanks Ford!

Husband and I are going to Oregon on the 6th to see my daughter and I'm very excited. We need a vacation in the worst way. We have had a lot of stress on us the past couple of months and I think a decompression time is just what we need. We are talking about going to Mt. Hood and spending some time up there.

The weather should change tomorrow and we hopefully will see some rain and cooler days. You notice I talk a lot about the weather. I live by the weather so it is important in my life. It is so dusty here that all of us are having trouble with our sinuses and I was officially sick for two days so it will be nice to get some clean air.

Got a call from my son and he is quitting his job to take care of his dad's mini ranch until he goes into the service. My ex husband asked me to do a design for the yard for so son can implement it. Good for everyone. I'll get to it when I can. There are plenty of fences to mend or whatever until I get there.

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