Monday, July 16, 2007


Well here I am- blogging. But starting my own business has pushed me into many things I have never done before and that is a good thing. I certainly have become more computer savvy. My poor friends think ' you mean she was more illiterate than now?' Yes, but just watch me grow.

I wanted to start a blog for two reasons, the first so that potential clients can get to know me better. I feel that design is a very personal thing and the designer and client should match. I have recommended other designers in the past because I didn't think I could serve that client as well as they deserve. But getting to know me a little should help that process go more smoothly.
My second reason is to stay in better touch with my family who is spread all over the country. My daughter is on the Pacific coast somewhere and I don't always have time to go into detail the way I would like so we can connect this way. Isn't technology great?

Anyway here I am. I look forward to wonderful insights from me that will change the face of the universe. Or at least brighten your day

1 comment:

the10sgirl said...

Welcome to the blogsphere!