Saturday, July 28, 2007

July in the South

Yep, it's hot here. And humid. You know everyone from everywhere talks about the humidity in the south, and they are right. It can make things miserable. To those who work outside for a living, that is.

But most of the time we are inside and when we go into a restaurant its so cold we have to take a jacket inside. That is not summer. That is just wrong. And the pick for worst offender is---Beauregards in Huntsville. As much as I like their nachos I'm going to have to boycott the place. I have it on good authority that they keep the place so cold so that the turnover will be faster. I personally think any establishment should be a little more concerned with the comfort of their customers. That is if they want to keep those customers. So I will find a place that I can actually sit in for a half hour and enjoy my dinner.

Husband is mudding walls in the kitchen and as soon as they dry I will sand them. This mess has to get cleaned up. We can't get around in the kitchen which means we can hardly get in the back door and sheetrock dust is everywhere, even though we have plastic over the doors. Another obstacle to getting around. Whatever it takes, it's getting finished today.

Thanks to my friend who gave me the cucumbers and tomatoes yesterday. I made the recipe you gave me and we will enjoy it tomorrow. I made two batches. One for us and the other for the dinner at church tomorrow.

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